TEF Braids has transformed a lace-making machine into a technology that manufactures unbound, tension distributive patterned material. TEF's Tensengral braiding technology provides an alternative that endeavors to achieve manufacture objectives for a breadth consumer and commercial products that seek processes merging function and form for multi-dimensional textile constructions,
TEF is steadily developing breakthrough designs, and maintains the largest inventory of patterned/tension distributive fabrics in the industry. TEF's work epitomizes the country’s prevailing focus on, and resurgence of its leadership in revolutionary fiber and textile manufacturing.
TEF Patterning is a revolutionary method of design and manufacture. The advanced digital patterning process is powered by traditional Jacquard Lace Braiding Machines that are capable of forming intricate two and three dimensional, unitary construction textile structures.
TEF’s patterned, linked, and interlaced fabric constructions can integrate seamless and infinite variations in texture, density, support, and stretch. Custom material is available when qualities such as expansion, contraction, flex, hole size, color, yarn denier and yarn type are specific to an application. |